Telephone Orders

Call Toll Free – Orders only

Nationwide: 1-800-722-2327

Information: 1-985-5421083

Fax: 1-504-542-1083



Mail Orders Sent To
Joe Coombs Classics, Inc

48555 Hwy 445

Loranger, La 70446


Orders Shipped within 24 hours – Visa & MasterCard Accepted


New Customer Information

Orders are shipped prepaid by check, money order, Visa or MasterCard. Please include sufficient shipping fees. Any excess will be credited to your next order unless instructed differently. If there is any balance due, you will be notified before the items in question are sent.

Your customer number is the last four digits of your phone number and the two letter abbreviation of your state. Please be consistent in using the same number with every order. If there has been a change in your phone number or address since you last order please let us know when placing your order.

Please note: Online orders cannot be sent C.O.D.
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