Left TurnSize A: 6 1/2Size B: 20 1/2Size C: 19 1/2Eye Size: 32 MMMount by Pete Ocello
How to Measure
This is the only Pivot Pedestal Axis on the market. Extended back to show off more of t
StraightSIZE A: 6 1/2SIZE B: 19SIZE C: 18 1/2EYE SIZE: 32 MM
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RightSIZE A: 6 1/2SIZE B: 19SIZE C: 18 1/2EYE SIZE: 32 MM
Left TurnSize A: 6 1/2Size B: 19Size C: 18 1/2Eye Size: 32 MM
Left SIZE A: 6 1/2 SIZE B: 19 SIZE C: 18 1/2 EYE SIZE: 32 MM
Full Wall Pedestal Left Turn With Extended Back Size A: 7 Size B: 24 ...read more
Form has extended back to show off the hideLeft TurnSize A: 6 3/4Size B: 22Size C