Laying, Right Turn Eye to Nose: 2 7/8 Nose to Tail: 27 Circumference: 15 EYE SIZE: 16 MM
How to Measure
Running, One Foot on Ground E-N: 3 N-T: 26 C: 15 3/4 EYE SIZE: 16 MM<
Sitting on Haunches, Looking Slightly Left E-N: 3 N-T: 27 5/8 C: 17 E
Standing, Looking Slightly Left E-N: 2 7/8 N-T: 27 1/4 C: 15 EYE SIZE
Standing, Right TurnEye Size: 14 MM E-N: 2 7/8 N-T: 24 C: 12 5/8<
Front Feet Elevated, Looking Straight E-N: 2 3/4 N-T: 27 C: 16 EYE SI
Sneaking, Ready to Attack E-N: 2 3/4 N-T: 25 1/2 C: 13 7/8 EYE SIZE:
Measurements:Eye to Nose: 3Nose to Tail: 26 1/2Circumference: 17 1/4Eye Size: 1
Lying Down, Left Turn E-N: 2 3/4 N-T: 27 1/2 C: 16 EYE SIZE: 14 MM ...read more