– 1 Quart Deodorizer Wash is a concentrated wash that removes and masks unpleasant odors in skins such as bear, antelope, domestic sheep, fox, coyotes, goats, etc. Instructions are included on the bottle.
1 Quart Bacteriacide. Basacryl NB-KU is safe to use, biodegradable, odorless and colorless.
– 1 Quart Soft Finish will soften leather considerably whether old or newly tanned. I
– 1 Quart Kemsol Degreaser acts as a solvent. Mixes with up to 20 parts water. No odo
– 1 GallonWashing Oil preps the skin for tanning, degreases and oils at the same time,
– 1 Gallon Kemal-4 is a relaxer, skin-prep, detergent degreaser and cleaner all in on
– 1 GallonPRE TAN #110 is used in the salt brine solution to help set hair, retard bact
– 1 QuartLiqua Soft is a special tanning oil designed to be used with Liqua Tan when sk
– 1 QuartHair Sheen gives hair and fur a clean shine. Can be applied directly to the ha