– 1 Quart Finishing Deodorizer is used for deodorizing tanned skins or finished mounts and rugs. It is a concentrate that is used full strength. Instructions are included on the bottle.
– 1 Quart Deodorizer Wash is a concentrated wash that removes and masks unpleasant od
– 1 Quart Kemal-4 is a relaxer, skin-prep, detergent degreaser and cleaner all in one
– 1 QuartProtex Pre Soak is a water soluble compound for protection of hair, fur, and f
– 1 Quart Antler in Velvet Tan is a fast acting permanent tanning solution specifical
– 1 QuartBird Feed Injection Fluid is a preservative for injection into bird feet, wing
– 1 QuartLiqua Cure is for fish and birds. It preserves (tans), degreases, cleans and r
– 1 QuartHair Sheen gives hair and fur a clean shine. Can be applied directly to the ha
– 1 Quart Stop Slip will permanently set hair that is loose or starting to slip. Also