Width: 6″ Height: 6″ Depth: 7″ Can be used with all the small game pedestals except the Coyotes. It can also be used as a perch for ducks and game birds by turning it horizontal and hanging it on the wall. Coloration may vary.
Manikin Only Eye to Nose: 1 1/2
WIDTH: 25 HEIGHT: 14 DEPTH: 14 1/2
The ROCK9 is our latest rock base in the Br
Width: 28″ Height: 18″ Depth: 13″ Rock5 fits Bobcat forms BC1
For all the small game pedestals except Coyotes.
You get the medium Bobcat Pedestal item number BCP33, the Oak Base, and the Finished Rock. ...read more
From Brian Harness Put one of these pedestals in your shop and see how well they will s
You get the Raccoon Pedestal item number RC101, the Oak Base, and the Finished Rock. Ra