– 1 Quart Stop Slip will permanently set hair that is loose or starting to slip. Also works excellently for setting the velvet on horns. Spray from an atomizer or sponge on. Instructions are included on the bottle.
– 1 GallonWashing Oil preps the skin for tanning, degreases and oils at the same time,
1 Quart Bacteriacide. Basacryl NB-KU is safe to use, biodegradable, odorless and colorless.
– 1 Quart Kemsol Degreaser acts as a solvent. Mixes with up to 20 parts water. No odo
– 1 Quart Antler in Velvet Tan is a fast acting permanent tanning solution specifical
– 1 Quart Washing Oil preps the skin for tanning, degreases and oils at the same time
– 1 QuartHair Sheen gives hair and fur a clean shine. Can be applied directly to the ha
– 1 Quart PRE TAN #110 is used in the salt brine solution to help set hair, retard ba
– 1 Quart Soft Finish will soften leather considerably whether old or newly tanned. I