Front End Elevated, Head Lowered Slightly, Left TurnE-N: 1 3/4N-T: 28C: 17Eye Size: 16 MM
How to Measure
Eye to Nose: 1 ¾ Nose to Tail: 30 ½ Circumference: 20 ½ Eye Size: 18 MM ...read more
Divide & Conquer Series All four legs detach from body. This allows for smaller inc
*Price is for the Bobcat Manikin Only* Divide & Conquer Series All four l
E-N: 1 7/8 N-T: 29 1/2 C: 17 1/2 EYE SIZE: 18 MM
...read more
Position: Lying on Limb Right Turn Closed Mouth E-N: 1 3/4 N-T: 30 1/2 C:
*Price is for the Bobcat Manikin Only* Divide & Conquer Series All four legs deta